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Executive coach and Life coach Nancy McCabe is certified by the Coaches Training Institute and coaches entertainment and media professionals in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and New York. on  interpersonal skills and effective communication.

Entertainment Coaching: Reframing

The media world moves at Twitter speed. You’ve got to be nimble, creative and strong in a very tough, competitive atmosphere.  


Greatview draws on deep experience in the entertainment industry to provide agile coaching for the unique needs of Entertainment Media Professionals and Executives. Coaching for Entertainment professionals is specifically designed to help clients

  • Manage clashing creative and business agendas 

  • Inspire and motivate talent 

  • Provide inspirational leadership in an unpredictable creative environment 

  • Cope with pressing deadlines and high-pressure stakes

  • Navigate corporate politics and communicate effectively

Case Study

The Challenge:  Align a divisive senior team at an Advertising Agency before it implodes.


The Situation: The agency was struggling.  Business was flat and key executives wanted to quit. In a business where creative and account teams need to work together; this group was as divided as it was possible to be. The creative group was experienced and entrenched, while the account executives struggled to satisfy clients. Arguments raged in the hallways and the agency president had lost control.



  • Find ways to unite the office and break down the creative and business barriers.

  • Bring out the leadership qualities in the president and her key executives.

  • Coach them to see where they are fighting unnecessary battles and gain capacity to stop the spats and move forward.


Process: Coaching sessions began with the executive team to understand the communication problems and causes of low morale. 360 interviews were then conducted with everyone on the executive team to delve deeper into the problems at the agency. It became clear that the entire office was suffering from a lack of leadership and a failure to collaborate. Team coaching for the executive team focused on communication and respect. Individual coaching of the president focused on inspired leadership and communicating a bold new direction for the agency.


One-on-one coaching with the Creative Director and the President of the agency focused on developing decisive leadership and creating a supportive and inspiring atmosphere.


The Creative Director committed to meet weekly with the account services department to explain creative direction and to develop team support for ideas.


Agency department heads publicly committed to respectful collaboration, with ongoing coaching to facilitate open communication and productive problem solving.


The Outcome: The President stepped back into leading her organization. Her communication became clear and definitive.  She focused intensively on her senior team and morale and teamwork improved. The Account and Creative Directors found their way to a productive partnership. The agency began winning new business again, and retained current accounts.

Greatview Coaching for the Entertainment Industry offers conflict resolution, change management, Communication skills, Soft skills, and Mediation.
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